Charting Freedom for Her

Inside the Charting Freedom for HER, you'll master our proprietary frameworks to stop charting at night, tame your inbox, and have your home run with or without you—so you can reclaim your evenings, weekends, and vacations for what truly matters: your passions, your family, and finally getting some quality sleep.

Get your life back on track in as little as 90 days

The problem that nobody is talking about is this…

If you're like every female practitioner I've ever worked with, your entire life and practice is set up for you to always be behind in your charts.

That’s the problem we have to fix. 

It’s the difference between living a life of true wealth.

Where you have time freedom to:

  • Enjoy evenings with your family

  • Have worry free weekends 

  • Take vacations without a laptop (or heck - seeing more patients to make more moolah 💰) 


One that:

  • Has you ugly crying in your car

  • Mentally threaten to quit medicine altogether 

  • Makes you feel like a total failure as your time freedom runway gets shorter than a Chihuahua's attention span

We were not taught how to chart in real life, it is brushed over in our training, and this gap is costing us dearly. Not to mention, nobody told you about the ‘practicing while female factor’.

This program is for you if...

  • You are the 'wear your heart on your sleeve' clinician who’s tired of giving phenomenal care in the moment– as in ALL of your patients LOVE you – but you are "failing" your performance reviews because your documentation isn't there… You have never had less than 90% on anything in your life… until now. This is also you if you find yourself distracted and falling into conversations with patients about everything but their medical needs... [So how’s your granddaughter’s puppy training going?😫] Or if your staff love to give you updates and ask your opinion… on everything!  But you can feel your resentment bubbling up AGAIN as you sit down to chart on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, while the rest of your family are going to the river together.

  • You are the 'perfectionist practitioner' that all other physicians turn to. Everyone sends their kids, friends, and mom to you, and your referrals and consults could pass for a thesis or a JAMA-worthy case study. But… you’re sacrificing every spare minute outside the office, refining details, keeping you up late at night and on the sidelines of precious family moments. No detail is ever “done” because your standards are sky-high, but it's coming at the cost of the life you actually want to live and your patient care.

  • You are the 'compassionate caregiver' who can’t say no to last-minute requests and urgent refills. Your backlog of charts haunts not just your weekends but your dreams 💭. And you worry you’ll miss something critical—because you are so far behind and can't keep up with urgent messages anymore, because they are hidden in your unmanaged inbox...

  • You are the 'paralyzed and buried' clinician who feels like a lost cause. Drowning in shame over dozens of unfinished charts, dreading the inevitable reprimand from practice administration😳... Your backlog of charts makes you feel stuck and defeated, resigned to the idea that this is just how it is for a female physician - trying to balance being a mom and female clinician.

  • You are the 'multitasking master' who can pass between tasks at warp speed. You just did five things before seeing your next patient. BUT when you sit down to look at your EMR, NONE of it is documented. 😫

This program is an invitation into a life where...

☺️ You can read an extra story to your kiddo (or heck, yourself) at bedtime 🛏️ 📖, because you’re not stressing about getting to your charting after you tuck them in. Your charts? Already done.

Your inbox doesn’t give you heart palpitations every time you think about it. No more logging on and checking it every few hours just to put out fires 🔥—because you have a system in place. And because of that system, your patient care has never been better 👩‍⚕️.

🌴 You go on vacation without a laptop ✈️ because that chart backlog? A thing of the past. And instead of dreaded emails about "delinquent" charts, you’re receiving complimentary emails from your employer 🎉. Bliss, right?

Your ability to FULLY live your life outside of medicine will always be capped by your ability to finish your charting during the time you get paid for ⏳.

You might be thinking, this isn’t possible. But some of your colleagues are already doing it. People in our program are doing it. And I’ve been doing it since my second year of practice.

Are we unicorns? 🦄 Absolutely not. What we did do was make a decision: we put a stake in the ground, raised our standards for what our practice could look like as women in medicine, and worked backwards to create solutions.

The Charting Freedom for HER is an invitation out of the BS you’re tired of and into a practice and life that’s aligned with a life you actually want. Where you CAN provide excellent patient care AND fully watch your kid’s basketball game 🏀—without your laptop.

You didn't become a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner to work your life away.

It’s time to get your life back 

Put a finger down…

  • If you're trying to stop charting at night and it’s not going well. You’ve tried all the things—scribes, dictation, timers—and now you’re contemplating leaving medicine because you're just that fed up…

  • If you're caught in the cycle of only finishing the charts people are hounding you for, or constantly checking your inbox to put out fires. You keep thinking you’re missing something. And you very well might be…

  • If you're tired of providing excellent patient care in the moment, only to get reprimanded by your employer for delinquent charts. Your shame spiral has you hiding and falling further behind…

  • If you're just frankly tired. The stakes are high, and you feel like you’re drowning.

  • If you've been thinking, "There has to be another way…"

Inside Charting Freedom for HER,

You’ll Master...

The Charting Freedom Formula Framework

Say goodbye to "pyjama charting" and finally reclaim your evenings. You’ll master this proven system to complete your charts during work hours, so you can relax and watch Netflix with your spouse after the kids are in bed—guilt-free.

The Highly Effective Home Framework

This framework is designed exclusively for women in medicine because let’s face it—without a smooth-running household, your charts won’t get done, no matter how A++ your charting skills are. You’ll create a system for a female clinician where your household runs seamlessly with or without you, so you can fully focus on providing excellent patient care without distractions. Your life outside of work thrives, and your charts stay complete.

The Idyllic Inbox Framework

Take control of your inbox, once and for all. You’ll learn to manage it efficiently so you can take weekends off without stress, go hiking with your family, and never feel like you're playing catch-up. This system ensures you’re no longer drowning in my chart messages, results, and refills—allowing you to enjoy the freedom you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

This isn’t just about getting your charts done;

it’s about getting your life back.

This program isn't just about getting your charts done; it’s about reclaiming your life. You’ll learn to create systems that work for you, so you can stop being the overworked, overwhelmed doctor and start living the balanced life you deserve. Because what’s the point of practicing medicine if you’re too burnt out to enjoy your life? 

Let’s face it...

You are a highly capable clinician. This is not just about dot phrases or scribes. 🧐 You have tried those and they worked for the first month, and then the excitement wore off and you were right back where you started...

This is about things they never taught us about practicing medicine in school.

This is about being able to ask for what you want—and people like you for it and deliver. (elevating your leadership and communication in your practice)

This is about saying no -- to anything that doesn't support you completing your charts on time. No is a full sentence.

This is about learning the skill to handle 'confrontation' with confidence.

This is about delegation. Where everyone is doing their own jobs -- including you. And you are all thriving.

This is about raising your standards—and watching everyone around you rise, too.

This is about practicing medicine while female and navigating all the intricacies that come with it.

You can learn a new dot phrase on your own, but here we go above and beyond that. We create a foundation in your practice and skill set with our frameworks—so that your charts are done and you’re delivering the kind of care that helps you sleep at night: timely, thorough, personalized, and advocating care. You’ll become the doctor you’ve always wanted to be and the one who’s fully present for family vacations—because you’ll have no backlog to catch up on.

How do we do it?

I’ve spent the last few years constructing a series of proprietary frameworks that turn your practice into an operational powerhouse. Here’s how we do it:

  • Charting Freedom Formula™️: We get you charting during the hours you get paid using our simple 4-step proprietary framework. Say goodbye to after-hours charting and hello to true work-life balance.

  • Backlog Framework: Once we’ve stopped the “bleeding” and have you charting the same day, we’ll go back and clean up that backlog—for the last time. If you skip this step, it won’t be sustainable. You’ve been here before getting on top of things only to have it all fall apart one week later. This framework ensures that doesn't happen again.

  • Idyllic Inbox System: Create a streamlined inbox system, giving you peace of mind and freedom from constantly checking on weekends. Your inbox becomes manageable, not a source of stress.

  • Smart Schedule Framework: Optimize everything in your practice (to your new standard) so that you stay on time, every time. No more running behind, no more chaos.

  • Highly Effective Home Framework: We optimize your household, so your home runs like a well-oiled machine—even when you’re not there. With this, you can focus entirely on your practice, knowing your family is thriving without you carrying the mental load.

  • Speed Bump Framework: Getting your charts completed is a skill, and like any new habit, you will hit speed bumps (tough patients, emergencies, etc. - this IS medicine after all). With our Speed Bump Framework, we support you during these pivotal times. If you fall off the bike, we’ll help you get back on and keep pedalling. This is invaluable and where most practitioners struggle to stay consistent.


And once your charts are closed, your backlog is gone, and your inbox is under control... guess what? You’ll have something you’ve likely never had: actual free time—gasp! 😲.

For many of us, free time can feel strange—maybe even a little uncomfortable. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We help you figure out what to do with that time, whether it’s reconnecting with hobbies, spending more time with family, or simply getting some much-needed rest.

Because at the end of the day, this program isn’t just about fixing your practice—it’s about transforming your entire life. You’ll feel like a new person—more present, more energized, and more in control.

Like many clinicians, we go out blindly into our practices and figure we will just figure it out.

And then when we don’t we beat ourselves up about it, like there is something wrong with us.

There is nothing wrong with you. You are simply missing the SKILL of finishing your charts.

Before You Throw in the Towel on Medicine, or Invest in Yet Another Temporary Fix Like a Scribe, STOP 🛑.

The truth is, there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re simply missing the system for finishing your charts, setting up your life to support that, and developing the leadership skills to effectively communicate and assert boundaries as a female clinician. 📝

If your life and practice are set up to always be behind, no amount of tools will solve the problem.

What you really need are the skills to:

  • Run a highly effective home 🏠, with systems that reduce the mental load, so you can focus on patient care and not what's happening at home

  • Manage your inbox with a system that stops it from overflowing👩🏻‍💻

  • Finish your charts before seeing your next patient 👩‍⚕️⏳

  • Communicate and assert boundaries with leadership, staff, and even patients—so your time is respected and you can work with focus 💼

When your life outside of work is set up to support your practice, and you master the leadership skills to set and assert boundaries, you’ll finally have a life where you can work out 🏋️‍♀️, enjoy family vacations 🏖️, and, most importantly, get some sleep 💤.


This is an action based program. I am the type of coach/guide/mentor/educator that will tell you the TRUTh --- that you have spinach in your teeth--- and then help you fix it. We break down every step so you know exactly what you’re working on—there’s no guessing here. And while we’re serious about results, we also like to have a bit of fun—because what’s more fun than transforming your life?

It is a complete and innovative Charting Program that walks you through the Charting Freedom Formula so you can STOP pyjama charting for the last time.

This program was made for the busy clinician in mind. [As in we have had a full time clinician with 3 kiddos under 5 dissolve a backlog with over 200 charts deep, 😜]  I literally designed it for myself in mind -- the multi-passionate, lots of balls in the air kinda practitioner -- it has to be simple and EFFECTIVE or I'm not even looking at it. 🤣

We have you start by watching the modules, that break down the STEPS that get this done and common obstacles, so that you can hit the ground running. We also provide up to 3 group coaching calls per week with me. So that I can help guide you through every step. Not only that but we also record all the calls and you can access them through our private podcast.

Module One: Charting Freedom Formula

Stop working outside your paid hours. With our 4-step proprietary framework, you’ll get your charting done during work hours.

✔️ Step-by-step breakdown so you’re never overwhelmed.

✔️ We tackle any "yeah, but..." obstacles with SKILL SET DEVELOPMENT on our coaching calls.

✔️ You will surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.

Module Two: Idyllic

Inbox Framework

Turn your inbox into a stress-free tool with our 3-step system so you don’t want to gauge your eyes our when it comes to your inbox

✔️ Manage emails and refills with ease—no more inbox anxiety

✔️ Step-by-step support so nothing feels too big to handle.

✔️ Coaching to overcome inbox overwhelm.

Module Three: The Smart Schedule Framework

Stop addressing 10 issues per patient visit, and still leave them happy.

✔️ Implement our system that lets you focus on what matters most.

✔️  Follow our Schedule Effectively Process to establish better boundaries while maintaining excellent care.

✔️ Raise your standards with staff, patients and yourself and watch as everyone wins. 💥

Module Four: The

Backlog Framework

Say goodbye to backlog forever and reclaim your weekends.

✔️  Clear your backlog permanently—never let it pile up again.

✔️ Create a stress-free inbox system that brings peace.

✔️ Optimize everything at home so you can focus on your practice with clarity 🏠✨

This isn’t just about getting your charts done—it’s about building a practice and life that works for you.

What are you actually getting?

4 Step Charting Freedom Formula Framework

Value: $5000+

📋 A proven 4-step framework to finish your charts on time and reclaim your evenings.

Proven Backlog Strategy and Implementation

Value: $1000+

📝 Clear your backlog for good, so it never piles up again.

Inbox System That Make You Want to Practice Medicine Again

Value: $1000+

📧 Turn your inbox into a streamlined, stress-free tool.

How to Structure Your Schedule

Value: $1000+

📅 Create a schedule that allows you to provide excellent care without burning out.

Guaranteed CME Credit Hours

Value: $1000+

📚 Charting Freedom for HER will guarantee you CME credit hours.

Mindset Tools for Preventing Burnout

Value: $1000+

🧠 Build resilience and protect yourself from burnout.

Group Coaching Calls Per Week

Value: $3000+

📞 Get real-time coaching that fits your schedule.

Private Podcast Access

Value: $1000+

🎧 Never miss a coaching call with our exclusive private podcast.

BONUS: Community of Female Leaders

Value: $3000+

👯‍♀️ Join a network of like-minded female leaders to support and uplift you.

Total Value: $16,000+

(Don’t worry, the price is a fraction of that!)



Hi! My name is Annie, a physician turned coach, and I’m on a mission to help every female practitioner STOP pyjama charting once and for all 🛑👩‍⚕️.

I am SO tired of hearing about phenomenal practitioners up at 2am finishing their charts while breastfeeding their baby 😡. It gives me stand on a soapbox RAGE at how modern medicine is still operating on an outdated, masculine structure that isn't designed for the complexities of the modern female clinician.

Let’s face it—medicine wasn’t built for women balancing career, motherhood, and personal lives. The administrative burden we face today is drowning us. So, I set out to create a system, a new approach, to protect us from this overgrown, outdated system.

So that we can create:

  • The leader who is highly respected and admired, because she upholds the highest standards 💼.

  • The mom who helps raise capable kids, ready to take on the world 🌎.

  • The spouse who loves her partner, with zero time for resentment, and sets the standard for her life, so there is none ❤️.

Modern medicine isn't set up for modern women, but I’m here to make sure it works for you and helps you thrive in every role you play.

You are invited to join us on this mission. Together, we can reclaim our time, our lives, and finally rise above the burden. xx

  • MD, Physician

  • Mom, Wife, Life Coach

  • Helping Female Physicians get their life back

Real Women. Real Results


“I would highly recommend working with Annie for anybody, but in particular any female physician who is feeling that “something needs to change”; I feel that I have gained a layer of armour in the fight against burnout and am more confident that “I can do this!”

- Mel

“In October of 2022, I was burnt out, 20 plus days behind on clinic notes, contemplating walking away from the practice of medicine, and struggling to be the mother and wife I wanted to be. Working with Annie changed my life. In a matter of a few short weeks of weekly sessions, I was on a path to creating my ideal ME. I was up to date on my charts, no longer had a backlog. And I was finally the mother and wife that I wanted to be. And I can say that all of this is true a year later.”

- Erica

”I have my weekends back after 30 years in practice.”

- Susan

Oh good you’re still here.

Let’s recap what’s included:

👍 4 Step Charting Freedom Formula Framework. This is what gets it done, and you will have access to weekly coaching to implement it all.

👍 Proven Backlog Strategy and Implementation. Our method will ensure that it is gone for good.

  • 👍 Inbox Systems that make you want to practice medicine again(so that you eliminate the feeling of drowning in your inbox).

👍 How to Structure Your Schedule (so that you can practice medicine in integrity with your values).

👍 How to run a Highly Effective Home for the Female Practitioner (so that you can focus on charting at work and focus on your family at home, NOT your to do list).

👍 BONUS of Community of Female Leaders. Going through the exact same thing as you, cheering you on, dissolving shame as you are not alone.

👍 3 Group Calls Per Week to fit any schedule. Intimate group setting with coaching access weeklyFlexible so that you can hop on and get coached or stay for the entire session, you get to decide This is where we dissolve any and all obstacles.There will be a quiet week at the end of each month for integration.

👍 Private Podcast so that you never miss a call. All coaching calls will be on a private podcast that you can listen to while doing laundry or walking the dog.

Charting Freedom for HER

$16,000 in value for only...

Here's what you get:

  • Charting Freedom Formula Framework

  • Proven backlog strategy and implementation

  • Inbox systems

  • How to structure your schedule

  • CME Credits

  • Mindset tools for preventing burnout

  • Group calls per week to fit any schedule

  • Private podcast so that you never miss a call

  • BONUS: Community of female leaders

Total value: $16,000

Today Just $2,100


"All my notes are done!"

“I’m at my daughter’s dance and all my notes are done. I got my labs cleared out this morning and messages answered and my reminders for the month are done!!!”

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work for me?

Yes! I have had NPs, PAs and physicians go through the program and stop charting at night.

What can I expert regarding results?

We recommend committing to 1 live coaching session per week, where you can get coached and move forward, as well as listening to the modules and private podcast. If you are all in, then we typically see a transformation happen within the first month and then the full result takes about 3 months typically ie. dissolving a backlog, changing a schedule if you are booked out 6 weeks into the future.  We typically see clients dissolve a backlog of 100 in about 3 months while working fulltime, but results may vary.

Can I get CME?

Yes! 🎉 At the completion of the program you will complete a short program assessment. Once submitted we will process your CME certificate and email it directly to you! Whether your institution will pay for this, is institution dependent. 

Can I do a payment plan?

Yes, we have 3 types of payment plans to choose from. Click here.

 Can I do this busy?

Yes, this program is designed to take things OFF your plate. There will never be a RIGHT time. Do it busy and watch your life change.

A closed chart is good patient care

People are starting to notice now. Your family. Your employer. And you are worried you might miss something. With good reason.

Not only that, but you are exhausted. And have started googling burnout calculators…Who will take on your patient panel if you take a leave? If you quit? Or open a flower shop...

You can enjoy treating patients, dissolve your backlog and have nourishing meals every night at home These CAN co-exist. Without compromising patient care.

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